County Government of Kwale

Water Services Milestones

Water Services Milestones
Project Overview
Project Title: Water Services Milestones
Department: Water Services
Financial Year:
Project Type:
Project Status: Completed
Location: Kwale County
Start Date: 2022-08-18
Estimated Finish Date: 2023-09-07
Project Details

During the FY 2022/23, considerable progress was achieved toward increased access to water in the County; 27 pipelines totaling 76.55 km were laid reticulating approximately 600m3 of water and serving an estimated 1,814 HHs daily. 44 Boreholes were scheduled for drilling across the County, mainly in areas with plentiful groundwater (Msambweni, Lunga Lunga, and Matuga SCs). Of this number, 29…

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